Monday, October 25, 2010


Days are getting sunnier and longer - hurrah summer!! This winter has been a toughie for some reason - probably the demands of trying to run a business. BNI has helped out considerably, but at the same time pushing me into being a business person rather than a musician - I'm completely out of my comfort zone here folks! I wonder where this wild ride will take me?
Today I'm going to have the day with Charlie. No child care so I have elected to put the work aside and have a holiday. To be honest, I need it.

e2 - improving business performance, behaviour and culture.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My sons 3rd birthday

Today is my son Charlie's 3rd birthday - also John Lennons birthday. I can't help feeling that I'm missing John, his music is such a big part of my life. It would've been so interesting and enlightening to have John around going through his 50's and 60's and now hit 70. Oh well, that's life I guess, on one hand some sadness for those that aren't with us - my Dad included, I'm proud to say that he was here to share Charlies last birthday with us, and on the other hand celebrating my little boys birthday. What an honor it is to be his father. This has been a large day for me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Google hacker

Hey - someone hacked into my Google Adwords account and changed my ads and also my daily spend!!! Google picked up that the URL's in the ads didn't match so disapproved the ads. So none were shown and I didn't incur a huge bill.
Weird though - who'd want to bother with a little video production company like mine?
This happened to anyone else?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A draw!!! - unbelievable!

This weeks build up to the Grand Final of the AFL has been agonizing, and now we have to do it all again! Every day last week my 6yo son has been asking me, is the footy on tonight Dad?
So now we will all assemble again, VB's clutched tightly in our clammy hands to see St Nick lead us into the promised land. Yeah Baby!!!!
Not really about video production, I know but it's the weekend so what the hey!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Video production

Since we're shooting on a Sony Z1 I'm still spending way too much time transferring footage and logging tapes in my video production duties. However, using the SG Blade system on the camera has really upped our production standards - the footage is just beautiful. I managed to pick up a 35mm Nikon 105mm lens on ebay and it's easily our favorite lens for  filming interviews.